Hashimoto's Disease. I had heard of it before but not sure why or where. As I mentioned in my first post, when I had my physical, I was mostly concerned about my mental health. With the death of my dad, it was hanging in the balance. Earlier in the week, she prescribed Wellbutrin for my depression - we both felt that if I could get the depression and anxiety under control, I would start to feel better and my overall health would improve. With the revelation of Hashimoto's, she said that it was a thyroid disease and while it hadn't affected my thyroid yet, it was just a matter of time. She also said that there wasn't a cure but the best way to manage it was with a synthetic thyroid medication. Eventually, I may have to consider surgical intervention (meaning removal of the thyroid) but that would only be after the good thyroid tissue was completely destroyed. The doctor said she was sending a prescription for synthetic thyroid to my favorite pharmacy. I was to take it as directed and we would follow-up in 3-6 months with another blood test. She wanted to see me in four weeks to evaluate the efficacy of the anti-depressant and we could talk then too.
I did what anyone in my situation would do - I called my sister Angie. I told her what I knew (which wasn't much) and what the plan of attack was. I looked up Hashimoto's on Google using very little energy. I was happy I finally had a reason for feeling so puny and thought that following my doctor's advice was enough. I had taken Synthroid in the past as one of the many "solutions" offered to kick-start my weight loss. It didn't work for that but since I actually had a diagnosis this time, I hoped it would work.
A couple of days later, I finally picked up the prescription and started taking it. I guess I expected to start feeling better right away.
You know how this turns out, right?
I didn't.
You're a great writer, even with the sad stuff! I look forward o the next installment. Hugs!